Salary: $1000 – $1500

Job description:

  • Participating in developing Mobile App products to serve users around the world.
  • Contribute ideas, improve products.
  • Research and apply new technologies.
  • Have the opportunity to participate in the development of a product ecosystem about Health Tech, solving problems of building platforms and big data.

Job requirements:

Hard skills:

  • Graduated from college/university majoring in IT or related majors.
  • At least 3 years of experience in Mobile programming on Android platform with Java or Kotlin language.
  • Mastering knowledge of OOP, Java and Design Patterns,
  • Knowledge of Unit testing, MVC/MVP/MVVM.
  • Logical thinking, Data Structures, Algorithm
  • Experience in handling databases: SQLite, Room Database.
  • Experience in using Android Jetpack Libraries: ViewModel, LiveData, Room,…
  • Experience in handling App Performance: Background Process, Threads, Memory leaks, Services,…
  • Experience in handling and optimizing UI / UX, Custom Views, Animation, multi-screen.
  • Experience in making applications with Client – Server communication, RESTful API.
  • Experience deploying apps with Firebase or similar platforms.
  • Experience in JNI/NDK programming is a plus.
  • Experience in using source code and task management systems (Jira, Trello, Git)
  • Having the app published on Google Play is a plus.

Soft skills:

  • Read and understand specialized English documents.
  • Teamwork and presentation skills.

Benefits enjoyed :

Salary Bonus:

  • Salary: $1000 – $1500. 13th month salary.
  • Bonus: Bonus according to the project, Bonus for personnel who make great contributions to the project, Bonus on Tet holidays, etc.
  • Performance evaluation: every 6 months.

Opportunities for growth and advancement:

  • Training: Professional skills, soft skills.
  • Support for professional competency certification exams.

Work environment:

  • Full benefits according to current labor law.
  • Free lunch and dinner at the company canteen.
  • Extracurricular activities: Team building quarterly. Annual discovery tour. Charity activities. Club activities: Football, badminton, swimming, music…
  • Working environment: young, ambitious Go Global, creative, focusing on human development & career development of the company’s members.